Amaranth Diabetes Foundation 501(c)3

The Amaranth Diabetes Foundation (ADF) Board of Directors has established a program in conjunction with the American Diabetes Association Research Foundation (ADARF) that will permit individuals, corporations and charitable trusts to make tax-deductible contributions to the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation.

The Amaranth Diabetes Foundation is a 501c3 charity under IRS regulations. Gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law and all funds are used for diabetes research grants supported by the Order of the Amaranth. Donations can be made through the ADF or directly to the American Diabetes Association Research Foundation (ADARF) – Amaranth Diabetes Fund.

At the end of the fiscal year, the total dollars reported from each jurisdiction within the United States and any funds sent directly to the ADF are tallied and a check is given at the Supreme Council Session to the American Diabetes Association Research Foundation (ADARF). These monies are used to fund research, in the form of block grants, awarded directly to the researchers as chosen by the ADARF. There are no administrative fees of any kind; therefore 100% of funds raised is used in the fight to find a cure for diabetes and to help make the lives of persons with diabetes more comfortable.

To obtain the “Amaranth Fights Diabetes” brochures which lists the grants given each year call 1-800-342-2383, “Please indicate that you are calling from the Order of the Amaranth.”

There are three ways to make donations for the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation:

Direct Donations to ADF

Donations can be made directly to an Amaranth Court, to a Grand Court or to the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation. Donations made through the various jurisdictions within Amaranth are acknowledged by the Grand Secretary or Court Secretary. Donations made directly to the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation will be acknowledged by the Foundation Secretary and credited to the jurisdiction and or local Court as noted.

Matching Gift Program

Anyone who would like to make a personal gift donation and has an employer who will match the gift donation may make their check payable to: Amaranth Diabetes Foundation and send it to the Foundation secretary along with the completed matching gift form from the employer who also makes the matching gift payable to: Amaranth Diabetes Foundation. Letters of acknowledgment are sent by the Foundation secretary to both the Amaranth member and the employer for tax purposes.

Anyone planning to take advantage of a matching gift program can also contact the American Diabetes Association (ADA) office at 1-305-234-2888, ext. 2137 to receive expert advice. The ADA will provide the required forms for reporting matching funds. The ADA will credit the contributions to the ADARF-Amaranth Diabetes Fund, complete the matching gift forms and send the employer an acknowledgment letter for their use when filing taxes. The Amaranth member will also receive acknowledgment of their gift from ADA to use for tax purposes.

Corporate Foundations, Private Foundations, etc

Amaranth members now have the opportunity of soliciting funds from Corporate and Private Foundations. The funds can be sent to the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation or sent directly to ADA and deposited in the ADARF Amaranth Diabetes Fund. These funds are restricted for diabetes research and will be recognized annually together with all other funds raised by Amaranth for Diabetes Research.