Setting Up Free Diabetes Screening
These arrangements take time and coordination, and the steps will overlap. Do not get discouraged if everything doesn’t go smoothly and in an orderly way. This screening is to the advantage of everyone involved in terms of publicity, as well as public service.
“Start making the arrangements AT LEAST six months in advance of the Grand Court session.”
Get the Grand Royal Matron’s approval to arrange for the screening. Be sure to give her periodic updates.
Contact the hotel at which Grand Court will be held. Contact Customer Service, or something along that line, to start. Explain that you wish to arrange for free diabetes screenings during Grand Court, at no cost to them, and get them to designate someone on their staff to represent them in making the arrangements. Explain to this person what the Order of the Amaranth and the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation are, and that you want to offer free diabetes screenings for your members and for the public at their facility during the Grand Court session. Choose a convenient and prominent location in the hotel, such as in a corner of the lobby, for the screeners to set up. The area should be large enough to accommodate two persons to perform the screening and two persons to give counseling to those who test positive. You may want to set up signs or have someone to talk about our organization and accept donations for the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation.
Contact your regional or local American Diabetes Assn. (ADA) District Manager. Explain to them what the Order of the Amaranth and the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation are, if they don’t already know. Tell them that you have tentative approval from the hotel to hold the screenings. The ADA representative may be able to assist in identifying a hospital or clinic to provide personnel and donation of equipment and supplies to perform the testing. Be prepared to purchase all supplies necessary and to identify qualified individuals to perform the testing.
Make arrangements through the Grand Royal Matron to have someone in the screening area to take donations to the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation. This person should be able to talk about diabetes, the Order of the Amaranth, and the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation.
Meet with all sponsors at once to iron out any difficulties or problems.
Monitor activities at the screening station and make reports to the Grand Court.